Hey y'all, The Duke here. As some of you who are following the Facebook page will know I recently started painting my Descent 2nd Edition minis. Initially when I bought the game I only painted the Merriods, which were the one mini I didn't have a proxy for already in my collection. Last year I painted a handful of the heroes (3 to be precise) to use with Road to Legend when the app came out, but that was largely it. So for the most part the game has sat unpainted since 2012 and I thought it was about time I changed that.
The Heroes

The Monsters

Shadow Dragons


Flesh Moulders




Cave Spiders


And there you have it, I still have a handful of the Lieutenant miniatures to paint before I can really call it done but I'll post those in a future update. The set was painted in a little over a month. As with most board game projects I set myself a time limit of no more than 2 hours per model. This keeps me on track to finish in a timely manner, rather than having a project drag out so long that I get distracted and never finish.
Some of the minis took less, with some batch painted across a single evening, while the heroes were largely painted at a pace of one a night, generally requiring more attention and detailing. All the monsters have been rebased on MDF bases as seen in my last post, with a magnet countersunk into them to work with my newly constructed carry cases.
And also so I can do this...

You can see more pictures including some First Edition and Second Edition expansion minis over in the new Gallery. I've also been hard at work updating the new Duke of the Blood Keep homepage which can be found here. Please bear with me as I work on this, there's a lot to do. You'll find some galleries haven't been added yet and others may have some placeholder content. I plan to do a whole slew of new pictures over the summer to bring some life to some older paint jobs and really display them to their best so keep checking back for new content.
I have also worked hard to update the mobile version of the site which should now display reasonably well, even if it takes a bit too long to load at times. You can access the blogs and many of the gallery pages via the menu button which should always appear at the top of the screen.
Anyway, that's about it from me for another week. If you like what you see here don't forget to comment down below and if you want more regular updates subscribe to the facebook feed. Until next time, keep on painting...
The Duke
The Duke played Warhammer Sixth Edition for 6 years with his undead army. In that time he never won a game... not once!