The Road to Victory project began back in 2016 as a way to upgrade the quality of my urban/modern cityscape photos. I never considered just how long it would take or just how far I would end up pushing the idea. The key to taking a good miniature photo is the details. You want the world to feel lived in, like the figure you have painted could actually exist in a real place. That's why I put so much effort into my backgrounds and today I'd like to share with you just one of my finished tables, the apocalypse has arrived!
The two boards I've just finished feature two devastated shops/cafes so I decided that the photos should have a post-apocalyptic vibe. Our superheroes are taking on a horde of zombies controlled by the voodoo priest Papa Zombie, supported by his vampiric sidekick Sanguine and the demonic automaton Doom Train.

The road tiles themselves are made by Secret Weapon Miniatures although finding these in the UK now is a bit like finding gold dust. The roads are painted using a magical spray called Montana Gold Black Granite which with a little drybrushing gives this wonderful tarmac look.

The buildings are actually a single kit from TTCombat. I modified parts of it to suit my needs but for the low low price of just £9 i couldn't really go wrong. The tile floors I printed out and glued down, making additional tiles from cardboard to add scatter. The rubble, some of it is part of the tile, the rest is a scatter product from Warlord Games called Building Rubble and the bricks are from Juweela Scenics in 1:32 scale. The wooden beams are simply lengths of balsa wood and the litter scatter and newspapers are all of my own devising.

The smashed glass was made using 1mm clear acrylic and a hammer and attached using canopy glue which dries clear and prevents frosting.

The cafe bathroom I am particularly proud of. The accessories themselves are purchased from TTCombat. The mess and grime was achieved using Citadel Hobby Contrast Paints and if you look closely enough you can see a copy of TMNT#1 has been left lying around for reading material.

There are so many other details I'll probably miss some but here goes. The Lamposts are from Fenris Games and are magnetised to the tiles using 3mm magnets sunken into the plastic. The fire hydrant, gas bottles, sandwich boards, railings and dustbins are also from Fenris. The wheelie bins can be found at Knights of Dice, an Australian company who produce a fantastic range of mdf terrain. The bench is from Sarissa Precision as are the archways that form the backdrop. The fire escape is from 4ground, the sofa from TTcombat, the barricades are from Battlesystems and the trees are from Amazon. The vehicles, phoneboxes and magazine dispenser are from Antenociti's Workshop and the pallets from Warsenal.
I think that's everything. The miniatures are largely from Pulp City and I've used a bunch of plastic zombies from Run Fight or Die to make the horde. If you have any questions about about anything you see here drop me a line in the comments or via the contact us form. Don't forget to like our Facebook page for daily painting updates.
The Duke
The Duke really wants to play some Pulp City now!