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The Invasion Has Begun!

Writer's picture: Chris BowlerChris Bowler

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

As I write to you I am buried beneath a mound of plastic largely composed of Xenos from Cool Mini or Not's latest Zombicide adventure, Invader. With the all in pledge clocking up at over 300 miniatures I need to put my skates on and change up my game in order to ever finish this. I've already begun bargaining with myself, promising I can take a breather once the core set is done but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get distracted long before I clear this backlog.

Regardless, let's take a look at what I've done so far...

The Orphans

Zombicide Invader - Orphan Gang, Clops, Ink, Wizard, Baby, Jennie, Goliath

Here we have Wizard, Ink, Clops, Baby, Jennie and Goliath. I chose to paint the orphans, rather than the starting heroes for two reasons. The first was I knew I couldn't get all the starter heroes painted before my first game, the second was that I really liked the cohesive look of the gang with their orange white armour.

Zombicide Invader - Orphan Gang, Jennie, Goliath
Zombicide Invader - Orphan Gang, Wizard, Jennie, Goliath
Zombicide Invader - Orphan Gang, Wizard, Baby
Zombicide Invader - Orphan Gang, Clops, Ink, Xeno Workers

Overall I really liked painting these. The plastics take paint well and there is a reasonably high level of detail given that they are plastic. As you can see I haven't started basing yet but they will have a similar basing style to the xenos with added industrial plating.

Talking of Xenos...

Zombicide Invader - Worker Xenos
Zombicide Invader - Worker Xenos

So far I've painted 15 of the 43 workers that come in the kickstarter edition of the game. These are (for me at least) speed painted because if I spent 2 hours per mini I'd be an old old man before I got this set done. So instead I'm batch painting them, 10 or 15 at a time and they are taking around 20 minutes each including basing. Look out for a future article where I'll explain my recipe. It's worth noting the bases in these pics have not finished curing, the final result is a much more cracked and pitted look.

Zombicide Invader - Spoiler Abomination
Zombicide Invader - Spoiler Abomination

I've also finished the first of what I believe is 14 abominations. This is the spoiler abomination of which there are two in the game, so I will get to paint a second one of these. I like it. I didn't want to spend too long on it, but I think i did enough detail to make him pop on the tabletop. The only change I want to make is to the colour of the tubes in his upper arms, but I don't know yet what I want to change them to.

Finally I also finished...

The Peacemaker and Falchion

Zombicide Invader - Peacemaker Bot
Zombicide Invader - Falchion Sentry Gun

Both of these were fun to paint and relatively simple, taking advantage of the coverage Citadel Contrast Paints provide when applied to a metallic base coat.

I've got plenty more to do so I better put my nose back to the grindstone and hopefully I can have the base set of Invader completely finished before the end of September.

Until next time, have fun painting,

The Duke


In space no one can hear you paint!

Zombicide Invader - Spoiler Abomination

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