In our Painting Zombicide Series we've covered all the major xeno groups, Workers, Tanks, Hunters, Flingers and Moths, leaving only the Seekers, so today I show you how I painted mine in just a few easy steps.

For this paint job I used the following paints and materials.
Citadel Grey Seer Spray
Citadel Contrast Volupus Pink
Citadel Contrast Flesh Tearers Red
Citadel Technical Lahmian Medium
Formula P3 Frostbite
Formula P3 Ironhull
Formula P3 Underbelly Blue
Formula P3 Morrow White
Fomula P3 Carnal Pink
Formula P3 Battlefield Brown
Citadel Technical Martian Ironearth
As with my other Xenos I started out with a basecoat of grey seer. Next I hit the head and torso with a layer of P3 Ironhull Grey. I did this fairly roughly with a large brush.

Next I blended this out along the limbs using P3 Underbelly Blue. I'm still using a large brush here and keeping both colours wet as I try to create a seamless blend from one to the other.

Finally I used P3 Frostbite to blend in the hands. As you can see in this photo I'm aiming to have a darker back and lighter front with more Ironhull grey across the back and shoulders.

Next I used Volupus Pink, this is applied liberally to the head and shoulders, using Lahmian Medium to blend out the edges.

While this is wet I begin to mix in P3 Carnal Pink, building up the blend so that the top of the head is almost pure pink.

With the base colours laid down it's just a case of highlighting now. I begin with P3 Frostbite on all the remaining blue-grey areas. At this point i'm working with a medium brush and aiming to pick out all the muscle blocks.

Then using P3 Morrow White I did some edge highlighting using a fine detail brush. Here I'm looking to pick out some of the sharper details like the stomach muscles, hands and knees.

Next I used P3 Carnal Pink to pick out the eyes, tentacles and suckers, again paying closest attention to the edges.

Finally I picked out the nails with Flesh Tearers Red and then based using my standard Zombicide Invader techniques.

And there we have it, all sixteen finished and ready to go hunting for survivors. The seekers were probably my least favourite of the xenos if I'm honest, perhaps because they didn't lend themselves so well to speed painting. I think they probably could benefit from a little more time spent on them, especially around the head and tentacles but for now they are done and table ready.
And that is also the last in this series (until I get around to painting the Driller Xenos) but check back next week for another look at what I've been painting during lockdown.
Until next time, keep on painting...
The Duke
In his teens the Duke read almost every D&D manual released for 2nd Edition cover to cover, with only two exceptions, The Complete Book of Necromancers and Sages and Specialists.