This week we're going to be taking a look at how I speed painted my Hunters for #CoolMiniOrNot's #ZombicideInvader. The Hunters are fast, activating twice at the end of each round and easily underestimated in large groups especially as they fall last in the targeting priority.

I used the following paints and materials.
Citadel Grey Seer Spray
Citadel Contrast Apothecary White
Citadel Contrast Flesh Tearers Red
Citadel Contrast Space Wolves Grey
Citadel Contrast Volupus Pink
Citadel Technical Lahmian Medium
Formula P3 Morrow White
Formula P3 Frostbite
Formula P3 Khador Red Base
Formula P3 Carnal Pink
To start I base coated everything with Grey Seer spray.

Then I washed the whole model with Citadel Contrast Space Wolves Grey and left to dry.

With the base coat sorted it was time to start building up the flesh tone. I started by drybrushing the lower legs with Ironhull grey.

From there I started to mix in more and more Frostbite as i moved up the body, with the most concentrated highlights across the back.

Allowing this to dry I then hit the upper areas with another drybrushing of pure Frostbite

Before doing a layer of white

Next I used a mix of White and Contrast Apothecary White to flatten out the various drybrushing layers. I used pure Apothecary White to blend out the edges of the wash as it reached the bottom of the back. Note at this stage I haven't applied a wash to the chest.

To do the chest I mixed Carnal Pink with Apothecary White and applied it to the model, using pure Apothecary White to blend out the edges as above.

Next I applied Contrast Space Wolves Grey to the lower legs and arms using Lahmian Medium to blend out the edges.

After that it was time for the tentacles. These were done using Contrast Volupus Pink and again I used Lahmian medium to blend out the edges, paying particular attention to the face. I want a hint of pink here but without overpowering the white.

After letting this dry I hit the top edges of the model with a drybrush of white again. The aim here was to get the lightest dusting that blended the edges of the pink while adding some subtle highlights to the back and shoulders.

The final step was to apply pure Morrow White highlights to the raised areas of the head, some of the suckers on the tentacles and along the spine.

The claws were painted with Contrast Flesh Tearers Red then the finger nails were picked out with Khador Red Base.
To finish everything was based in line with my Xeno Workers and this was the end result.

Overall the process was fairly painless, a lot more reliance on washing than with the workers. They took around 6 hours to complete all 18 across two sessions. They aren't perfect but they'll do the job. Next up Tanks!
Until next time, have fun painting,
The Duke
The Duke started painting Zombicide Invader a month ago and has painted 83 miniatures since then... That's gotta be some kind of record!
Hello, i like your work and want to try those. Can you describe the technique you call "wash" ? (FYI i am french, so not english fluent)
Thanks for the follow Kevin and for the kind words of encouragement. I plan to make a post about the basing in a couple of weeks so be sure to keep checking back. I'm really keen to get back into posting tutorials like this one but for more generic things like Painting Bone or Painting Fur so let me know if there's anything you're keen to see. The Duke
I am enjoying following your work on these! Cant wait to paint my set. Eagerly waiting to hear how you do the bases. They look really cool!