So we're nearly six months in to 2021 and it's time to evaluate and update my pledge list. Here's what I said I'd paint in January:
Finish TMNT - 66 minis - 17 remaining
Finish Clan Kitsune (Completed) and Paint Caverns of Roxor and Devil Island for Super Dungeon Explore - 59 - 31 remaining
Paint Shadow of the Bat & Arkham Asylum - 55 Minis
Finish Massive Darkness - 9 Minis
Paint Zombicide 2nd Edition Base game - 88 Minis - 84 Remaining
Paint Marvel United and all retail Expansions - 36 Minis - Completed
Paint Aftermath - 23 Minis - Completed
Paint a total of 400 miniatures across all ranges - 183 Remaining
With only six months left on the clock and Batman and Devil Island still not on the horizon I'm dropping both of those from the list. 400 minis for the year is still looking like a realistic target so I'm not updating that because I already need to paint one mini a day for the rest of the year to hit that goal. So, here's the updated list.
Finish TMNT - 17 minis
Paint Caverns of Roxor and Tetsudo Tower for Super Dungeon Explore - 10 minis
Finish Massive Darkness - 9 Minis
Paint Zombicide 2nd Edition Base game - 84 minis
Paint Downwood Tales - 26 minis
Paint Oh. Brother - 15 minis
Finish Descent - 19 minis
Paint a total of 400 miniatures across all ranges
If I can manage everything on the list that will bring me to exactly 401 for the year. I'm not convinced I'll get it all done but it's good to have goals.
Here's some of the 200+ minis I've painted this year...

Marvel United

Pulp City - Coven

Pulp City - Necroplane

Pulp City - Settler's Green

TMNT - Stockgen Army

TMNT - Northampton


Super Dungeon Explore - Rock Top Gang

Super Dungeon Explore - Clan Kitsune
Next in the painting queue... Zombicide 2nd Edtion.

So there you have it, lot's done, so much more to go!
Until next time, have fun painting,
The Duke
These are ridiculously good!
Curious what the risers are that you’ve got the marvel minis on? I can’t seem to find anything like that in an appropriate size…