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What's Behind that Door?

Writer's picture: Chris BowlerChris Bowler

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

This week I've been mostly focused on Descent 2nd Edition. Last week I finished all the outstanding heroes while this week I've been more focused on the monsters! Primarily I've been painting the Bonds of the Wild expansion.

And the more eagle eyed among you will notice I've included the wrong heroes in the above image... oops... here's the correct ones.

So to start us off we have the Kobolds, they make up the bulk of the expansion with 12 minis for the group, but as you can see there are actually 3 kobolds per base making it 36!

Overall I'm reasonably happy with these, the sculpts aren't bad, the one on top of the pile is the best with a nice evil grin, while the one on the bottom left is the worst with the mould cutting straight across his face and obscuring any detail that may have once been there. As you can see I'm still plugging away at trying to get better with my Non-Metallic Metals, they aren't there yet but I like how these turned out and I think they look much better in person.

For the master versions I went with a darker overall skin tone, something much closer to my Otherworld Miniatures Kobolds actually. I also went with a red accent for all the clothing to make them easily stand out on the table.

Next we have the Deep Elves, I actually like these, but the pose really does suggest they should be above the heroes ready to pounce. I feel I need to increase the contrast between the skin and the clothes though especially on the blue version which blends a little too much.

Finally we have my favourite minis from the set, the Hellhounds. I went with the art colours for the minion versions, while for the master version I went with something closer to the original first edition art, but adding in the blue flames to make him stand out from the pack. Overall pretty happy with these.

Finally this week I've been painting some terrain. As some of you may have read on Monday I am backing Massive Darkness from CMON which caused me to go digging through my box of terrain looking for suitable doors to use in the game, that's when I came across this...

This is the boss door from Zealot Miniatures and it's a pretty cool portal to the evil lair of whatever lurks at the centre of your dungeon. When I backed the Zealot terrain kickstarter I opted for the 'one of everything' pledge level, if I hadn't I probably would have passed on this piece but I'm glad I own it because painted up it looks awesome. It's also reversible which allowed me to add a different scheme to the back in this lovely opulent gold...

Don't ask me to pick a favourite, I couldn't possible choose. That's about it for this week, check back next week for more updates and until then, have fun painting...

The Duke


The Duke once designed a wonderful complex puzzle for his heroes to solve in order to enter the inner sanctum of his dungeon, instead they just used explosives... bloody vandals!

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