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Top 10 Lists

Another year has flown by and I have ratcheted up a cracking 32 “new to me” games for the year. Using Pub Meeple I dropped in the titles and ranked all the new games I’ve played this year. It’s worth noting that I only played 10 games from 2021, so this is not the best of 2021, but the best of the games I played that were new to me. That said the majority of the list comes from the last 4 years, with the outlier being Robinson Crusoe which is now a whopping 10 years old, and er… ooops, spoiler I guess.

Top 10 Best New To Me Games in 2021

So often you see reviewers on the internet comparing the value of a game to a trip to the movies for a family of four and as the prices of the games they are reviewing rise, so do the optional extras for that movie trip, adding popcorn, petrol, babysitting and Robert Downey Jr.’s residual checks to make the maths work out.

10 Great Games You Can Buy For Less Than The Price of a Movie Ticket

2021 has been another year of lockdowns and social distancing which has meant that often I find myself wanting to play a game but not having a physical opponent to play with. This has led me to playing a lot more solo games. These are the ten games I have played solo the most this year.

Top 10 Most Played Solo Games 2021

We’re back baby! After a 20 month long hiatus the Game Night crew are finally getting back in the saddle this weekend to play some games (and you know, catch up or whatever...) To that end I’m trying to make up for lost time by stuffing my bag with as many games as possible! The criteria I had was 10 games, one bag, 30 minutes or less. This was intended as a way to maximise our time and get a good number of games off my shelf of shame at the same time.

10 Games in 1 Bag

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